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  • Dream in Travel

    Keep the dream alive

    If travel has been one of your dreams and favourite things to do in the past, then this article might give you encouragement to keep dreaming.

    Keeping the dream alive

    There's a website out there called "Dream in code". It is for website developers and sums up the way they live and sleep what they love doing - coding and building websites.

    "Dream in Travel" suggests living the travel dream by planning your next trip in your mind, little bits at a time, even though you can’t book it just yet. Lot's of people are doing it so they don’t lose touch with their travel dreams.

    We’ve pulled together some articles that hopefully will let you know that your travel dreams are real and should be nurtured. Let's start however, with a video:

    Are you already having actual travel dreams?

    According to people in the know, these dreams are often a reflection of our everyday lives but can also have a deeper meaning and message for our lives.

    Travel dreams usually have a good connotation and indicate progress and success of our goals. These dreams could symbolize our life path and the movement towards our life goals.

    Ikea invents “Vacations in a Box”


    Visit Ikea - Vacations in a box

    “With our take-away vacations, you'll now be able to recreate experiences from the world’s top destinations right at home, Paris, Cappadocia, Tokyo, the Maldives and more, right at the comfort of your home.”

    You can visit their website and buy suggested home furnishing products and other surprises to help set the scene and mood. All you need to add is a little imagination. This could help as an interim measure for the truly keen travelers amongst us.

    Travel staff keep the dream alive

    Travel agents are at a temporary standstill and travel advisors have the time to dream. Here are some thoughts:

    “I’m still talking about and planning future travels with my friends over a glass of wine using the online meeting app Zoom. We’re all chatting about where we’ll be going once we can travel again, and which cities we’ll be meeting up in to enjoy a wine together. I really think it’s important to keep the ideas flowing and plans evolving – just without a timeline or locking in a date.” Esther Fraser – Travel Advisor

    “I’ve been making a vision board. It’s my way of keeping my plans alive and making sure they happen in the future. While I can’t travel right now, I like to visualise where I have been and start thinking about where I’d like to go next. It’s also always positive to be surrounded by beautiful travel destinations – it keeps me happy.” Marcela Hrncir – Travel Advisor

    Articles for inspiration


    Karekare Waterfall, Auckland New Zealand

    “In 1897, a perfectly hale Mark Twain famously announced to the press that rumours about his death were greatly exaggerated. We could say the same about the travel industry. True, the closure of borders, shutting down of airlines and the worldwide disruption of tourism aren't signs of good health. Yet although travel might be in an induced coma, it certainly isn't dead.”

    Read the articles on this page for inspiration: article

    Coffee for smiles

    Travel blogger's thoughts

    Kathleen James, travel blogger says: "Close that news app. Put on your coziest outfit. Here are my five top travel tips and tricks you can try right from the comfort of your home."

    Talk to us about your dreams

    Submit a booking enquiry. Simply tell us where you want to travel to in Australia or New Zealand. We'll help you plan a trip to suit your budget. PAY NOTHING until you are ready to book. Plus you'll beat the rush.