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Covid-19 Update 07/04/2020

Australia Travel

Let's all try and keep things into perspective. In the unlikely event that you get the virus you will most likely survive. But will the economy?

Nothing like Australia

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The government's approach is vast overkill.

There's a saying - "Don't napalm the whole forest to kill an ants nest".

For most people, the corona virus (Covid-19) is not dissimilar to the typical flu that we all know and hate. But were you aware that over 500,000 people each year die from the flu world-wide. In Australia 812 died in 2019 from 217,000 reported cases. Unfortunately and sadly the same people who are already very ill might succumb to this virus, in the same way they might succumb to the typical flu.$File/flu-12-2019.pdf

Flu deaths 2019

World data:

You've probably survived the flu in the past and are likely to survive this. The difference is that this virus is only slightly more dangerous to people with a compromised immune system.

The government now admits that their tests are probably wrong.

This should make you squirm a bit. It's called "covering your behind".

"The reliability of COVID-19 tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence base. Available evidence mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear."

Because there is either no COVID-19 or the numbers are mixed up, doctors are being instructed to designate victims as Covid 19.

The hospitals here and in USA are practically empty.

You'll be very confused after watching this video uploaded to YouTube on 01/04/2020.

If this is true, it is very concerning as well as confusing. Less than 90 ICU beds are currently in use in Australia, which is nothing. Only a few in Brisbane.

Be concerned about getting to the truth.

These experts shed light on the true situation. If you thought "something does not add up", here's why:

This would not be an issue except for the devastating consequences of the overreaction.

Here's an article about Italy:

Has the Australian government made a serious mistake?

The world's experts in March demonstrated that they cannot prove that the virus exists, at least from a testing standpoint. This is a storm in a teacup but why keep up the show regardless?

In an interview with Peta Credlin on Sky News on 06/04/2020 the health minister Greg Hunt had started defending the government's action. There will have to be an enquiry into the misreading of the data coming out of China in the early days and the federal government's overreaction. Then of course there's the overkill by the Queensland goverment fining people over $1,000 per person for sitting on a park bench.

Our biggest concern now should be business survival.

If businesses have to stay shut down longer than mid-April, it will be extremely hard to recover. The government "Job Keeper" wage handout is two months away. Most of the 120,000+ businesses that need that money, need it now. It does not help however if you have no business.

To achieve this, the government might have to admit that they got it all wrong, otherwise people will still be fearful of catching something that does not actually exist.

There is a drug available already, being trialed from Monday 06/04/2020 in Melbourne hospitals. The base drug Chloroquine phosphate is well known to everyone including the governments here and overseas. It stops the virus in its tracks. (It had to be funded privately.) Why other countries with big losses have not already started using that drug is a mystery. (The US FDA approved use from 02/04/2020.)

People with respiratory illness and flu symptoms are being designated as "Covid-19" even if there is no evidence. This was in a written instruction to doctors on the US at least.

  • However, those who get the virus could go to a GP or hospital early and get "treatment" - simple.
  • Let the rest of us get on with our lives.

The focus should be on getting past the critical point no later than mid-April and get the "treatment" in place, which should eliminate fear. This would mean that the government might have to spend less public money and in so doing - avoid destroying the future of this country.

There are just 40 people dead from the corona virus here as at 06/04/2020. Almost all were on the edge anyway with up to three underlying medical conditions according to availble data. Each of these lives has cost a vast fortune and many tens of thousands of jobs.

You do not want to see what will happen to small business in two months time. Predictions of 10% unemployment are optimistic - it will probably be much higher. The government does not yet have a recovery plan. Who ever said that politicians were smart? They are implementing a bio-security plan that was trialed in 2008 but that plan obviously has flaws.

Because Australians are a compliant lot in general we have stopped the virus, so now let's get back to normal. Expecting people to stay isolated for months is a nightmare. If you have a comfortable home, try to imagine being stuck in a tiny apartment for weeks on end and completely isolated.

The looming debt burden is just ridiculous. There is now talk of higher GST which is a tax on business at the revenue end. Forget about consumers paying it, that does not happen.

The television media in general is still fear-mongering.

Even as recently as Sunday 05/04/2020 Channel 9's 60 Minutes was trying to prop up the idea that there is actually a massive problem, yet their video footage even in New York showed no activity, no lines of infected people.

The idea that hospital staff are run off their feet is a joke.

The media is interested in audience numbers and reporting the "news" as they see it, not allaying fears. Channel 9 news reporters are still talking as if everything is on the verge of a massive surge in cases. It is not going to happen. The case numbers are in decline.

Only 90 of more than 2,500 current public hospital ICU beds are in use.

If you have Foxtel, watch The Bolt Report on Sky News.

95% have very mild symptoms.

Most people who have had the virus report mild symptoms. These are the same as the flu oddly enough.

UQ scientists might have the answers

A treatment is on the horizon thanks to some smart University of Queensland (UQ) scientists:

The Australian government and state governments must focus on recovery.

The government health department acted quickly which has led to very good containment. But now that containment has largely been achieved, let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

The government's assistance for small business is months away. Urgent recovery action must be taken as soon as a drug is available and viable.

Do not stop enjoying life and do not be afraid.

Fear immobilises people. But getting this virus is (so far) unlikely for people who are careful. Because of the unknown, and in this case partly because of the media, people are not venturing out or spending money, which has had severe economic effects.

The government and states have now implemented measures that have effectively closed down Australia, but talk of this going on for months spells disaster unless they change tack in the next few weeks.

If the virus does spread, then perhaps you could just assume you are going to get it. On that basis what would you do to prepare? Think about strengthening your immune system by making sure your diet is the best it can be. Think about hygiene when out especially hand washing and hand sanitizers.

What we're doing.

It's certainly not "business as usual". No-one is travelling. We're mainly handling cancellations and helping members get back the maximum refunds and credits for their cancelled trips. After that activity stops in the next few months we're reducing to very basic support, most likely email only, until the global situation changes.

Members renewing now and in the next six months will receive a free 12 month extension in addition to their paid renewal.

All the best from the team at Australian Escapes. We'll see you on the other side.